Welcome to the February 2021 issue of brass bell: a haiku journal
Poems arrived from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States
cherry blossom
carpets the neighborhood
the street sweeper hesitates
Adjei Agyei-Baah
egg yolks
winter sun
ai li
kelp line
near the edge where sea colors
change blues
Alan Bern
dried persimmons
we scare away tigers
who come for tea
Alan Summers
pastel pond
the iris of her eyes
staring back at me
Amy Losak
new dye —
the orange of the sunset
on my hair
Angela Giordano
winter oak leaves
brown talons grasp
falling snow
Antonia Matthew
all aflutter
planning the next trip
yellow butterfly
Barbara Kaufmann
wrapped in shades of gray
I’m alone
Barbara Tate
winter rain
on pewter-colored ice
Bill Waters
first fairy tale
my daughter refuses
the red apple
Billy Antonio
red fleece vest
blue shirt beneath
i feel quite purple
Blue Waters
pitch black
something croaks
in the Florida night
Brad Bennett
pots of green moss
punctuate the garden . . .
wicked winter wind
C. Robin Janning
cherry pink
sunrise bites a chunk
out of grey
Carole Johnston
roses a deeper crimson melting frost
Caroline Skanne
a red butterfly
from blossom to blossom
her scent lingers
Chen-ou Liu
grey skies
shouts of fishermen
in orange
Christina Martin
spider silk
strands of silver
on my skin
Christina Sng
you are my sunshine
my only sunshine . . . smiling
in mom’s gold chair
Claire Vogel Camargo
golden crowns fill
with snow
Debbie Strange
raging snowstorm —
framed against the window
a white amaryllis
Deborah Burke Henderson
expecting a black cat
I see a mouse . . .
the day my luck changed
Deborah P Kolodji
red onion
sliced into rings
of light
Donna Fleischer
the long red-earth road
a water buffalo
jangles homeward
Hannah Mahoney
in motion
flying ants
Helen Buckingham
snowflakes are falling
the garden is bare
red tulips asleep
Isabel Loverro
indigo rain
the blue scribbles
of my life story
Jackie Chou
burgundy fields
we make a toast
to our golden years
Jay Friedenberg
istanbul street vendors
sell scarlet pomegranate juice
to sunburned tourists
Jim Mazza
rusty door springs red-winged blackbirds
Jo Balistreri
small red boots
big puddles
Joan McNerney
in winter’s grasp —
two more inches
of grey hair
Julie Bloss Kelsey
lavender lipstick
my smile the mix
of mother and daughter
Kath Abela Wilson
on the deck railing
an orange half & an oriole . . .
suddenly, one flies away!
Kathleen Kramer
red geranium
green watering can, you are
so sure of yourselves
Katya Sabaroff Taylor
brindle . . .
the dog becomes
one with the bush
Madhuri Pillai
dinosaur prints
the little one paints
her hands green
Marianne Paul
rising out
of the wet subway steps
a red umbrella
Mark Miller
frosty sunup
chimneys send pink puffs
each to the other
Marta Chocilowska
viridian hue
waves from the canvas
Melissa Hamilton
balls of magenta orchids
punctuate rock cliffs
Mimi Foyle
glossy black chicken
tow-headed toddler
eye to eye
Miriam Sagan
winter morning
on the kitchen table
a bowl full of oranges
Olivier Schopfer
a forest dreaming
in the language of crows
her mauve shawl
Pragya Vishnoi
wee green snake
my first grade sweetheart
offers his heart
Pris Campbell
strawberries for sale
their redness vanishes
along the road
Rosa Clement
rush hour sunset
flower vendor swings red glads
in a slow circle
Ruth Yarrow
the red kayak
could be anywhere
evening mist
Sandi Pray
red roses
she feeds to the bin
Valentine’s Day
Sherry Grant
town fountain
some of the passers-by
in rainbow mist
Simon Hanson
pink, lavender, orange dahlias
in the snowy mailbox
garden catalog’s cover
Sue Norvell
skipping stones . . .
remembering the blue
in dad’s eyes
Theresa A. Cancro
fuchsia twilight
sometimes i
forget to breathe
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
her shadow on the
white wall not as black as my
cat lapping water
Tina Wright
black-eyed pigs
with silver wings —
art deco socks
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
water painting
enough color for
the pink roses
Vibeke Laier
I dream in color
hugs, no masks
blue water all around
Yvonne Fisher
green light
holding hands
mother and i skip across the street
Zee Zahava