Welcome to brass bell: a haiku journal.
The theme for this premier issue is rain.
You will find work here by 43 contributors. Some have been writing haiku for decades, others have just discovered (and embraced) this form. Contributors live in Bulgaria, Canada, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
An invitation will be sent via e-mail and Facebook, around the fourth week of each month, announcing the theme for the next issue. If you want to receive these notices send me a FB friend request or an e-mail note <zee@twcny.rr.com>
I hope you will enjoy what you find here.
soft desert rain
the droppings of leaf-hopper insects
from the tamarisk tree
- Alan Summers
break in the storm
my love
without a raincoat
- Amos White
the composure of rain
to hold its shape
when falling
- Amy E. Bartell
a window facing the park
from morning to dusk
in the same rain
- Anna Mazurkiewicz
after the thaw
first rain
- Antonia Matthew
warm spring rain
melting a crust of ice —
earth arches her back
- Blue Waters
transfixed by silver
chilled morning rain whispers
don’t forget the mud
- C. Robin Janning
our brand new glass front porch —
we can't wait to watch
a big thunderstorm
- Cady Fontana
wading through puddles
mother and son
giggle under umbrella
- Caroline Skanne
cumulus clouds —
rain is falling
somewhere else
- Carolyn Coit Dancy
winter drizzle
I walk around the lake
where our star appeared
- Chen-ou Liu
rain-swollen river
my footsteps quicken
to match its pace
- deanna tiefenthal
listening deeply
to the poetry of clouds
i become the rain
- Debbie Strange
persistent mist
hangs in the air —
no puddles for me
hangs in the air —
no puddles for me
- Erica Hostetler
snowflakes dance ballet —
raindrops are more down to earth
though they make a splash
- Jack Goldman
all day rain
we argue over music
for the funeral
- John McManus
after the rain
the frog's world
- Julie Bloss Kelsey
April fools
in Paris
our soaked sandals
- Kath Abela Wilson
broken jazz record —
the pulse of rain
between the sirens
- Kathy Uyen Nguyen
watching as the buds
swell on the great tree . . .
rainy day's end
- kris moon
silver raindrops
clinging to pine needles
before the fall
clinging to pine needles
before the fall
- Lance Robertson
water above
water below
swimming I Ching
- Laura LaRosa
sunrise on the beach —
in your raincoat pockets
rain from yesterday
- Lavana Kray
while he brushes
the strokes for "spring rain"
the monk's eyebrows rise
- Margaret Chula
my driveway dotted
with neighbor's cherry petals:
generous spring storm
- Margaret Fisher Squires
wintered over
worn orchid arcs against the glass
mewling for spring rain
- Mary Carter Ginn
rained in . . .
taking the next picture
of a faded rose
taking the next picture
of a faded rose
- Maya Lyubenova
two-day rain
the small dryness in the tent
- Michael Ketchek
twilight nostalgia
rain, perfume of history
lonely orphan frog
- Nicola Morris
walking in night rain
a heart dreams like a river
flowing in footfalls
- Peter Ladley
too far to reach
the stars reflected
in the rain barrel
- Phoebe Lakin
pigeons cluster on
wrought iron bridges, and in
Detroit: April rain
- Phoebe Shalloway
falling on the just
and the unjust —
rain does not judge
- Reba Dolch
the moment
I saw you, butterfly . . .
morning drizzle
I saw you, butterfly . . .
morning drizzle
- Rita Odeh
rain hesitates —
a sunbeam shrinks
from its own weight
- Ross Haarstad
rain today
our snow islands
slipping away
- Sally Kamerling
relentless rain
spring could drown
before it arrives
- Sharon K. Yntema
spattering rain on metal roof
- Sue Norvell
downpour —
a duck waddles away
from the pond
- Tom Clausen
a duck waddles away
from the pond
- Tom Clausen
the expectation of rain
strangers in their hats
are of one mind
- Weiwei Luo
the rain
brings the lilac fragrance
over the hill
- Wendy Smith
the rain
my tears
all in place
- Yvonne Fisher
pouring tea
into my favorite cup —
rain fills a river
- Zee Zahava
These haiku have previously appeared elsewhere:
Deanna Tiefenthal - "rain-swollen river" - Haiku Society of America's 2011 Member Anthology
John McManus - "all day rain" - Presence 45
Margaret Chula - "while he brushes" - The Smell of Rust, Katsura Press, 2003
Margaret Chula - "while he brushes" - The Smell of Rust, Katsura Press, 2003
Michael Ketchek - "two-day rain" - Modern Haiku Vol. XXXI No. 3 2000